Wednesday, October 21, 2020

How to create Facebook page with real 1000+ Followers ?

Today you are reading this blog to know how to create a Facebook page with more than 1000+  real followers either that will be your own followers from your Facebook account or people from real Facebook account . there are so many people who don't know that Facebook provide a facility to convert your Facebook account to your page and there is no any data loss through this process your Facebook account will be remains same after conversion .

So  now I am going to describe the process by which you will be able to create your own page step by step :-

  1. Simply click on this link :- .
  2. The page will appear on your mobile/desktop that will be connected to your Facebook account .(Note:- your Facebook account should be open in your mobile / desktop) .
  3. You have to click Get started .
  4. Now you have to select the category of your page if your page is about video creation then click video creator category .
  5. Now you have to add followers before this you will have to know that how many people are following in your Facebook account , how many people are in pending request and how many people in your friend list.  because they will be your instant followers in your page . if you have crowd  in your Facebook account  then simply click select all  and apply .(Now you are thinking how to get followers in my Facebook account  then you no need to worry about it . I will tell you about this in my next blog .)
  6. Now come to photos and videos section . you have to select videos and photos that will appear in your page . but I will suggest that don't select skip that step because if you select that photos and videos which is already uploaded somewhere then in future your page will get notice from copyright content . and you will have delete  that photos / videos .
  7. Now review your  as a visitor and see how is your page looking .                                                     
So these are the steps for creating Facebook page . and here is the best example of Facebook account to page conversion which your are seeing in this blog post .so I hope you all understood .

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