Saturday, December 12, 2020

how to hack " Whatsapp " ? Is it possible ?

 As I discussed our earlier post that " How to Hack Facebook Account ? " I got amazing response from your Side so I again want the same enthusiasm to learn something about hacking . 

Today I will discuss about " How to hack Whatsapp ? " and is it possible or not ? 

I would like to say that there is nothing impossible today's generation . So yes , it is possible to hack whatsapp . we need high end computer system and top level of hacking skill .

I know it is not possible for everyone to have high end computer system and top level of hacking skill . So I will discuss about some method by which you can see someone's activity on whatsapp . So these methods are as following :-
  1. Scanning QR code :-  It is a very simple  process to get access of someone's whatsapp by scanning his whatsapp QR Code step to get access on whatsapp :-
  • Open whatsapp of that people you want to get access .
  • Tap Menu / settings  >>  select Whatsapp Web .
  • search in your laptop or mobile >>  web whatsapp and then scan QR which is displaying on screen after searching web whatsapp . with the help step 2 .
  • After some moment you have full control on his whatsapp .
This is the only method where you can see chats of whatsapp , also chat whoever you want .
but It has some limitations . you can control someone's whatsapp  under some range . it means if that person go far away from you then you will lost the access of his whatsapp .

      2.  Using spyware App :- First of all I would like to say that this method is completely              illegal some of the spyware Apps are totally free  on internet which works and some             are not . on the other hand some of the Apps need to pay for use . but we can't take              risk of data lost from victim cellphone .
        If  you want to hack after all these thing to know . you have to install that spyware                App on victim phone that will be invisible on victim phone . then After you will have            to give all the permission of that spyware App .  then you can access of victim                       whatsapp . you can only see chats of victim phone by screenshot and also whatever he           is doing in his phone .
       (I will not reveal that Spyware App for some security issue you have to find it Own self)     
       3.  Using spoof mac address :-  It is a very popular and working method . In this                      method you need victim mac address of his phone . a very simple method to get                    victim mac address  you need to connect his hotspot on your laptop / desktop  and                  save his connection . after that you can get victim mac address . then you have to root            his mac address .and then change his mac address then you can access on victim                   phone .
As well as for performing this method you need some knowledge of mac address , how it can find ? , how it will change ? then you can perform this method .

I hope you will like this blog post . and If you want to know about spoof mac address briefly or other hacking tips then comment it on this blog post .

Thursday, November 26, 2020

When a rude police inspector lost in love with a jolly kind of girl. what will happen?

                                                                 Chapter :-2


This story is about of Arjun and mahi . mahi is a jolly kind of girl  and for her love is everything . on the other hand Arjun is a police man who hate the word of love because cause of this his life is got into debt . 

Once upon a time , Mahi's friend Surbhi is getting  marry to a guy who was her father's choice . but surbhi loved a boy and she wanted to marry with him . So on the night of her marriage Mahi helped surbhi to run away with her loved ones. but surbhi's father who was head of her town started to finding her daughter with the help of group of police and surbhi's father allotted the responsibility of finding his daughter to Arjun who is Senior inspector of his town . So mahi was  afraid of catching by police at instant she show a police behind her so she started to hide herself behind a truck and get into the truck  . then the truck started  and she felt safe herself and Mahi slept in  truck . 

Next morning , when Mahi opened her eyes she found herself into a police jeep . and here Mahi meets Arjun . Arjun was behaving so rude with Mahi . because he was upset of her . Because she helped Surbhi for run away . Now Mahi started to convince Arjun to let her go .because she nothing did wrong in it . For her it should be cheer for her because she helped to mix two love ones . but he didn't give any reaction  . she offered bribe to Arjun but he refused to take bribe . then head of his town called Arjun and asked him that he found his daughter or not . he said not now but he found the girl who helped Surbhi to run away . the he said Arjun " brought her here I will give the punishment that no one will take the risk to help anyone to run away with his/her love .

Arjun told it in front of his co-inspector . then Mahi bit scared and decided to run away from there . so she made excuse that she has to go washroom . Once Arjun didn't give any reaction of his word. again when she said if u didn't stop the jeep I will do it here .then Arjun stopped the jeep and said to his co -inspector  to go with her and if she will run away then it will not good for you .so the co-inspector went with her .Mahi said to co-inspector to turn around his face because she can't do in front of him . she was very sharp to make excuse .she said sir if I was your daughter , you would treat me like this . then the co-inspector turn his face . once he moved his face outward her .she started to run into the jungle . because Arjun stopped his jeep on the way of jungle .  then the co-inspector asked her u did ,shell we go? when he didn't get any response he turned around his face and see no one was there .he said it to Arjun . then Arjun also went into jungle to find Mahi .

After some time , he found Mahi and arrested her . Now Arjun and Mahi both lost into the jungle and he didn't get any mobile signal to ask for help .  Now Mahi started to talk Arjun  and Arjun also started to response her because they had nothing to do .  Mahi started to ask Arjun why you hate the word to love ? why you always became angry when I talk about love? didn't you do love with anyone?  is anything happened in your life that you became so rude and hate love? is any reason behind it? Arjun was irritated with her , and said mind your own business don't try to interfere into my life with angerly voice .

after sometime , on the way of jungle A snake bitten Arjun's leg . and he fell down in land . Mahi was scarred and she started to get out the poison from his leg . so she sucked and spitted out the poison form his leg . after that she also fell down cause of poison .

Next morning , when Arjun was conscious he found himself alone in jungle .he started to see Mahi here and there . then suddenly Mahi came with water and gave him and said I found the way to come out from the jungle . then Arjun asked then you didn't run away . then Mahi said running away is not only the solution some time we have to fight with our self to achieve something .  Arjun was bit impress with her . Mahi said you were talking about Sanjana last night you were saying she run away . Mahi said to Arjun do you miss your sister?? I know you are missing her. Arjun said no I don't . I don't want to see her face . then Mahi said if you are hating your sister so much then why you kept your sister contact number in your phone . Arjun kept quite on that time .Mahi dialed his sister number and said take it and talk to her , he took . and when she replied hello bhaiya how are you? Arjun forget everything and were talking very politely . after the conversation from his sister he hugged Mahi and said thank you so much if you were not here then I wouldn't call her .both were smiling and came out from jungle and suddenly some people came from jeep those people came in behalf of head of his village . both  go inside the jeep and went to village . both came in front of head of the village . head of the village asked to Mahi that where is her daughter ? Mahi replied I don't tell you . when head of the village dare to slap Mahi Arjun came across him and stopped his hand to slap her . and  said there is not her fault ,  she just helped to get met of two lover . head of the village asked Arjun did u forget that I was be with you when your sister run away with her lover . and why you are favouring her . Arjun said some days before she is nothing for me but now I love her and I can do anything for her . and I am not afraid of you . you do whatever you want to do .then Head of the village took knife and tried to kill Arjun but suddenly a group of police came and stopped head of the village . and arrested him  . on that  day Mahi and Arjun realized they are made for each other .

Monday, November 9, 2020

When Archana meet with dentist (Love story)

                                 Chapter :- 1 

 A girl named  Archana  studied in  HR College of commerce and Economics . she was a brilliant  , clever , naughty , and hilarious student . one day Archana decided with her college friends not to go to college and make that day enjoyable and she did lots of fun . After that when she went college next day she was scolded by her H.O.D miss Chawla for not coming college yesterday . so she made excuse in front of miss Chawla that I had teeth ache yesterday so I was feeling pain and I went to dentist to concern . but miss Chawla didn't refuse and she asked medical certificate that will prove that she was saying right .Actually Miss Chawla knew her very well that she was making fool . so miss Chawla said to Archana that will come with medical tomorrow .Now Archana caught in trap she was confused that now what will she do . after the college she was deciding with her friends to suggest a dentist name who will help her for this .and Now this was the time to meet her love .So Archana and her friends went to a dentist clinic but since it was evening so it was the to close the clinic when she went towards dentist named Rishav who was going to his home after closing the clinic . she bump into him . And Rishav caught her from falling down to ground . Archana was wandered into his eyes . Archana fell in love with him it was love at first sight . Archana talked to rishab that she came for treatment of her teeth . Rishav replied to Archana that it was too late so you will have to come tomorrow and she agreed . She was happy to see him .Archana's friend says that we will unable to come with you tomorrow because tomorrow will a important lecture of miss Chawla so we can't miss . Archana replied no worry I will come alone tomorrow . Next day Archana came to clinic and met with Rishav. he treated her .   Archana said rishav I haven't any teeth ache actually my professor need a medical because i said to her that I had teeth ache that's why I didn't come yesterday so she asked a medical certificate so I came here . Rishav replied it is good that you came here and you really need a certificate because you have cavity on two teeth so you have to get out your teeth . Archana replied ok , I am ready to get out of my teeth if you will treat me in this way . the way of rishav treatment was really good that's why Archana said i will come day after tomorrow for treatment . next day , she went to college and submitted her medical certificate on that day it was a test to miss Chawla subject . so everyone were writing their own paper . Archana asked to miss Chawla I want to go washroom ma'am . Miss Chawla replied no , again Archana asked miss Chawla then she replied ok go . Archana's friend giving direction to Archana when she went out to class . miss Chawla show her friend what were you saying to her? he didn't replied but when miss Chawla take his packet of cheeps he replied that he went for cheat in washroom . by listening this miss Chawla also went out and finding Archana where is she . now it was a great opportunity for her friends to cheat in test .when miss Chawla found Archana  she didn't get any cheat on the hand of Archana and when miss Chawla reached to class everyone on the class submitted their test . After the class Archana and her friends  was going out to campus and then she saw Rishav he was looking nice and waiting for someone . Archana saw him and Rishav waved his hand towards her . she thought it was for her but when she saw miss Chawla to went towards him then she got to know that miss Chawla is Rishav's mother . She was surprised to see . Archana was thinking now how she will impressed rishav because the bond with Archana and miss Chawla was not so good . So Archana decided to be good with miss Chawla . after the college Archana went clinic and talked with rishav and say a joke with him  now Rishav  was also smiling with every stupid joke of Archana he was also getting attach with Archana . Next day , Archana started to be nice with miss Chawla . Archana was paying attention on miss Chawla classes , Archana was taking care of every command of miss Chawla . day by day Archana was ignoring  her friends in the way of getting miss Chawla faith on her . her friends was  getting angry with her . Archana realised that her friends are not talking with her after getting change in her behaviour .so Archana went to her friends and said sorry for that and convinced them to help her to impress miss Chawla . but Miss Chawla heard their conversation . and when Archana went to miss Chawla office to take latter of Recommandation . Archana talked to miss Chawla and miss Chawla scolded her for playing a good character with her suddenly Rishav came to miss Chawla office and recognised Archana . miss Chawla asked rishav you know her . He replied yes she is my patient . miss Chawla said Rishav that now you no need to do treatment of her . and Rishav replied ok mom , Miss Chawla said to Archana see it is said to be nice with someone . Archana really felt hurt by her . and she decided to take part in annual fest in college against miss Chawla . since miss Chawla  won since so many years in this fest so this year Archana took part in this fest to defeat miss Chawla . She started to prepare for annual fest . As the day passed , Now the day came of Annual fest . Archana was the only student who took part against of miss Chawla . Rishav came in this fest as a Organiser . It made Archana more confident so the first round was buzzer round Rishav asked question one after one and miss Chawla and Archana replied after pressing the buzzer . at the end of first round miss Chawla won by one question . Archana felt bit sad and went for second round that was gol gappa round .In this round Archana friend hisself to take part instead of Archana because she had teeth ache . Archana said no i will play this round and she started to eat gol gappa one after one inspite of pain Rishav kew that she was feeling pain but she didn't give up and clear that round and win that round . Now it was the time for 3rd and final round that is  musical chair round some of student and some of teachers also participated in this round and one after one teachers and students was getting out of this round at the last the only two person left that is miss Chawla and Archana . both want to win this round but intension was different Archana wanted to win for Rishav and miss Chawla wanted to win for herself so when the music stopped miss Chawla sitted on the chair during this Archana got hurt by miss Chawla hand  accidently .and started pain in her teeth . Rishav took her to his clinic in his hand . when Rishav and Archana reached to clinic Rishav asked Archana that why you played that game you knew that you have ache on teeth inspite of this you played . Archana replied I played only for you because I love you both were smiling . and Rishav replied I know . and hence their relationship started .


Wednesday, October 21, 2020

How to create Facebook page with real 1000+ Followers ?

Today you are reading this blog to know how to create a Facebook page with more than 1000+  real followers either that will be your own followers from your Facebook account or people from real Facebook account . there are so many people who don't know that Facebook provide a facility to convert your Facebook account to your page and there is no any data loss through this process your Facebook account will be remains same after conversion .

So  now I am going to describe the process by which you will be able to create your own page step by step :-

  1. Simply click on this link :- .
  2. The page will appear on your mobile/desktop that will be connected to your Facebook account .(Note:- your Facebook account should be open in your mobile / desktop) .
  3. You have to click Get started .
  4. Now you have to select the category of your page if your page is about video creation then click video creator category .
  5. Now you have to add followers before this you will have to know that how many people are following in your Facebook account , how many people are in pending request and how many people in your friend list.  because they will be your instant followers in your page . if you have crowd  in your Facebook account  then simply click select all  and apply .(Now you are thinking how to get followers in my Facebook account  then you no need to worry about it . I will tell you about this in my next blog .)
  6. Now come to photos and videos section . you have to select videos and photos that will appear in your page . but I will suggest that don't select skip that step because if you select that photos and videos which is already uploaded somewhere then in future your page will get notice from copyright content . and you will have delete  that photos / videos .
  7. Now review your  as a visitor and see how is your page looking .                                                     
So these are the steps for creating Facebook page . and here is the best example of Facebook account to page conversion which your are seeing in this blog post .so I hope you all understood .

Thursday, October 15, 2020

How to hack Facebook Account?

 As you are thinking that is it possible to hake someone's  Facebook Account ? 

So I would like to say that yes it is " possible" . but if you are thinking that I will use any site , Application ,or any software for hacking then it is not true . because as we all knows that there is several sites on google right now and few of those we aware about it  like " "  , " " and many more and also we tried these for hacking Facebook id but we didn't get success  .because Facebook is the biggest tech. company at present so it is not so easy to hack Facebook Account and the only reason behind of availability of these site in google that these website make us fool that only one click they will crack password and provide us and even they process some steps like:-

  Copy URL of someone's Facebook Account --> paste URL on site --> click hack --> loading....

                                                Account status :- OPEN

                                                 Server :-  REACHABLE

After that you have to download your password then a page will appear on your screen and on that page you will have to pay some amount which will in US dollar . Sometime we pay only for password but even paying amount  we didn't get access on Facebook Account . So i would suggest you that please don't use these site because they are fraud and they don't hack any Facebook Account they only appear some user face by which we think that it is working but in real it isn't like that .

Now you will thinking that I said that it is possible to hack  Facebook Account so yes it is possible by applying some spy technique like :-

Phishing :-

phishing is generally create a fake website by html coding and then upload it on server then get the link  . this website will look like a real  Facebook page and send by mail or WhatsApp to get other Facebook Account so if you want to prevent yourself to get in trap by your friend .so the very easy way to find that you are using the website that is real or fake :-    

                              "  "

So at the last you can see that it is not the real path of Facebook .    

Keylogger :-      

  keylogger is a malware which is created to keep eye on others activity it enter in our system  by installing unknown sources and when we allow permission to access our device it spy our information to other though where it came . So if you want to prevent us from from this we shouldn't give permission to access your device to unknown source .

Social Engineering :-                                                                    

Generally we all do social engineering but we don't know is it . so it is nothing but taking assumption that the password will be either D.O.B either Phone Number either His/ Her name or His/ Her gf/ bf name or number so it is called social engineering . 

So these are the spy tools by which we can hack others Facebook Account .

Thank you for paying attention here i hope you got some knowledge how to Hack Facebook Account .

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

what public want to know about " Sushant Singh Rajput (SSR) " ?

Some month passed we heard a News that Sushant Singh Rajput committed suicide .After the news was released in media , this news was really made us shock .And after that all the Sushant Singh Rajput fans started to ask lots of query about his death . 

Most of the query started with Why , When , Will , What that is either related to his death or related to past of his life some are as following :-

  • Why Sushant Singh Rajput committed suicide ?

  • Will Sushant Singh Rajput get justice?                 

  • Why Sushant Singh Rajput left "Pavitra Rishta"?

  • Did Sushant Singh Rajput buy land on moon? 

  • What Sushant Singh Rajput spirit says?

 Answers :-

  1. Some assumption are taking regarding to his death that- after the suicide of his manager he committed suicide so there would be something related to him , Sushant Singh Rajput suffering with depression and also was consulting to doctor and was taking medicine ,  he went to depression after break up with his ex girlfriend , or something went wrong between his gf Rhea Chakraborti and him that's why when she left his house after that day morning he committed suicide before it he called his gf at night at 1;47 AM and his friend Mahesh  shetty at 1:51 AM  when they both didn't reply of his call he committed suicide at morning after 9:30 AM .

  2. We can't say anything because CBI inquiry is gonig on and there are so many thing is revealing  so now we don't give up our hope .

  3. When Sushant dipped his toe in Bollywood . He had reportedly revealed  he quit because he wanted to do something different in his life .

  4. Sushant Singh Rajput who shot to fame after playing former indian cricket captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni , claimed that he had bought a piece of lunar land on the far side of the moon , in a reigion called the Mare Muscoviense , or the " sea of muscovy " .

  5. An youtuber steve  huff claimed that he communicated with Sushant Singh Rajput's spirit and he posted two video upon Sushant Singh Sajput communication with him on his Youtube channel  "Huff Paranormal" . It was genrally nothing but making money in name of Sushant Singh Rajput.
